Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Are We Still Focused On Prochoice And Gay Rights

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the modern 2-sex model of exclusive heterosexuality had come to define conditions of â€Å"normality† and â€Å"abnormality† in both sexual desire and gender expression. In today’s society we are still focusing on what is normal or what is abnormal. In early times being deemed abnormal was a fatal punishable crime. Luckily today citizens such as homosexuals and women who abort babies are not getting punish such as death or jail time for making a personal lifestyle â€Å"choice†. Why are we still focusing on prochoice and gay rights? In this essay I will focus on prochoice today verse the nineteenth century and sexual orientation freedom past and present? In my arguments, I will answer ways†¦show more content†¦It is not science. You can’t put a person that desires the same sex on a table as enter his brain and try to search for answers. Ever though this has happen on individual, but what they have found out is that they were no more different from anybody else. In early time there was a thing call the private life. There were two forms of private life, first form was religious and the other form was a time when reading and writing was popular. In this time leaders such as the clergy, scholars, court official and other high official would write letters and other important documents, they would go to a particular place in their homes and they would write to their close person in their lives. I remember a scene from the new TV sitcom called The New Normal where two gay men are hiring a surrogate to have a baby for them. In one episode the two men shared a kiss in a baby depot; a male customer saw them as demanded them to stop. He forcibly told them that what they were doing should been done in the privacy of their homes. My opinion to this is that anything sexual including long kissing (rather done by heterosexual or homosexual) should be done in privacy. In the early stage of sex and gender making, scientist and psychotherapist tried to find ways to give a logical answer when defining gender. The dictionary describes logic as the study of the principal of reasoning or valid reasoning.

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